Duane Shippy

Prophecy Basics Part 8 - The End of Human History

The previous part 7 of this study covered the wonderful time of peace and prosperity during the physical reign of Jesus on Earth. Last up is the culmination of human history and the final judgments. A Perfect Environment Ends in Unbelief and RebellionDuring the Millennium, Satan and his minions will be locked in prison so they cannot continue to poison humanity (Rev. 20:2-3). This will be th...

Prophecy Basics Part 7 - The Millennium

In the sixth part of this basic's series, we covered the return of Jesus, the Rapture of the Church, and Armageddon. In this part, we will transition from the arrival of the conquering King to His kingship in Jerusalem, finally fulfilling the most well-known prophecy of the Messiah in Jesus' day. Here are just a couple examples from the Old Testament: Then the glory of the moon will wane, an...

Prophecy Basics Part 6 - The Return of the King

In the fifth part of this basic's series, we covered the last half of the Tribulation called the Great Tribulation.  This article will shift to the end of the Tribulation and the transition to the Millennial reign of Jesus. Part 4: The Return of the KingOur "blessed hope" is the future return of Jesus who will set things right in this world.  As we saw in the previous part of this ...

Prophecy Basics Part 5 - The Great Tribulation

In the fourth part of this basic's series, we covered both the good and evil leaders that arise during the Tribulation. This part will focus on the events of the last half of the Tribulation. Part 4: The Great TribulationThe second half of the future seven-year Tribulation is referred to as the Great Tribulation due to the intensity of the events during this final three and half years. Midp...

Prophecy Basics Part 4 - Famous and Infamous Leaders

In the third part of this basic's series, we looked at the future Tribulation. This is a time of increasing turmoil in the Middle East that spills out to other parts of the world. This is a time where God and Satan are at war. As such, there are a few significant leaders that arrive on the scene. Godly LeadersFirst, there are 144,000 Jewish men that are pure and blameless who are sealed...

Prophecy Basics Part 3 - The Tribulation

In the second part of this basics series, we looked at the rebuilding of the future Jewish Temple prior to the Tribulation. Part 3: The TribulationAs noted in Part 2, the Tribulation is a seven-year period of trouble for the nation of Israel, also referred to as the "time of Jacob's trouble" in Jer. 30:7 NKJV. It is a time of unequalled calamity (Dan. 12:1, Jer. 30:7, Mark 13:19, Luke 21:22)...

Prophecy Basics Part 2 - Prior to the Tribulation

In the first part of this basic's series, we saw two prophecies that have been fulfilled in recent history.  This article will focus on current events and what will happen prior to the future Tribulation. Part 2: What's Next in ProphecyThere are two major topics in the book of Revelation that almost certainly have their beginnings prior to the Tribulation. The first is a nation that wie...

Prophecy Basics Part 1 - Recent History

This series of short articles on Biblical prophecy kicks off with the events of the 20th century. It's exciting to see events foretold thousands of years ago begin to unfold in our era.

Biblical prophecy can be overwhelming and confusing. However, roughly 25% of all verses in the Bible contain prophetic statements. Therefore, having a basic grasp of prophecy is very important to understanding the Bible.

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Will Satan Receive Our Worship?

The importance of worship isn't something that I think about that much, probably fair to say not many of us do.  I don't consider it a critical part of life, but at some point it will become a life or death issue.

We will be comparing the historical event of Daniel chapter 3 with a very similar situation that will occur during the Tribulation.  In Daniel's day only 3 men stood their ground out of an entire kingdom when commanded to worship a man.  The Bible tells us this situation will happen again, how will Christians handle the temptation to survive by a simple act of sin versus a violent death?  Do we consider worship sacred enough to die for?

Will Elijah Come Again? The False Prophet's Deception

The Bible predicts Elijah will return before the end comes.  Jesus and His disciples had a conversation about that prophesy.  What does Jesus say?  This article will dive into this prophecy and see how it will be twisted by the unholy trinity to deceive the world.

Parts of this article were taken from "Why Israel Matters: A Study of End Times Events" by Nancy Kiger and Duane Shippy

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