Duane Shippy

Will Satan Receive Our Worship?

The importance of worship isn't something that I think about that much, probably fair to say not many of us do.  I don't consider it a critical part of life, but at some point it will become a life or death issue.

We will be comparing the historical event of Daniel chapter 3 with a very similar situation that will occur during the Tribulation.  In Daniel's day only 3 men stood their ground out of an entire kingdom when commanded to worship a man.  The Bible tells us this situation will happen again, how will Christians handle the temptation to survive by a simple act of sin versus a violent death?  Do we consider worship sacred enough to die for?

Will Elijah Come Again? The False Prophet's Deception

The Bible predicts Elijah will return before the end comes.  Jesus and His disciples had a conversation about that prophesy.  What does Jesus say?  This article will dive into this prophecy and see how it will be twisted by the unholy trinity to deceive the world.

Parts of this article were taken from "Why Israel Matters: A Study of End Times Events" by Nancy Kiger and Duane Shippy

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