Duane Shippy

The Five Coronations of Jesus

The King of kings and Lord of lords is pictured in His full glory in the book of Revelation.  Words can't fully describe the magnificent splendor of Jesus and the scene in heaven where we start in chapter 19 with a symbolic vision of Jesus.  I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.&...

Jericho is a Shadow of the Future Trumpet Judgments

Fall of Jericho is representative of the final judgments on this world and the fall of Satan's earthly kingdom. The seven trumpets of Revelation are like the seven days of marching around Jericho, with the seventh trumpet of Revelation ushering in the final seven Bowl judgments and the collapse of earthly kingdoms (Rev. 16:17-20 NIV) just like the seventh day at Jericho brought forth seven laps around the city and the collapse of Jericho's wall.

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